What is the difference between Single-line and Multi-line geocoding at ArcGIS 10?
Last Published: April 25, 2020
ArcGIS 10 supports single-line input for entering addresses with an ArcGIS 10 locator. Currently, the Find tool, the geocoding toolbar, and the ArcGIS Server geocoding REST endpoint support this single-line input to allow for a more web-based input format. It is also possible to use multi-line geocoding for the 'Find' dialog box and the 'Geocoding' toolbar, but the Desktop UI only implements the single-line input at this time. ArcGIS 10 locators still support multi-line input for batch geocoding and for the ArcGIS Server geocoding REST endpoint. Both single-line input and multi-line input are supported through the ArcObjects API as well.
Single-line Input: Addresses can be entered with or without commas and with or without zone information. Examples of valid input for single-line geocoding: 380 New York St, Redlands, CA, 92373 380 New York St. Redlands CA 92373 380 New York St. Redlands CA 380 New York St Redlands 380 New York St 92373 380 New York St CA 380 New York St (NOTE: If a nationwide locator is present or being used, this may take a while.)
Multi-line Input: Addresses must be entered into multiple fields with some of the fields being required. For instance, with the US Address – Dual Ranges address style, the street must be entered, as well as either both city and state, or ZIP.
Examples of valid input from multi-line geocoding: Street = 380 New York St City = Redlands State = CA ZIP = 92373
Street = 380 New York St City = Redlands State = CA ZIP =
Street = 380 New York St City = State = ZIP = 92373
The following charts list how single-line and multi-line inputs are supported with ArcGIS 9.3 and ArcGIS 10 locators.
Article ID: 000011000
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