When it is necessary to change the location of ArcGIS Pro projects, they can be copied to new locations but the data connection must be updated.
There are two methods to change the data source of the layers from the layer's Properties, or from the Catalog view, and third method for changing the settings of the project
Changing the data source from the Layer Properties
Note: The name of the same layer may differ. The original name of a layer is assigned when it is created and is the one that appears from the Catalog. However, can be changed temporarily from the Contents pane for visualization purposes. As an example, the picture above shows two white outlined boxes, on top next to Layer Properties, the name is USA_ZC2 which is the temporary name, but on the Name field of the table, the original and real name is USA_ZC.
Changing the data source from the Catalog View
Changing default setting of a Project
Article ID: 000026833
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