Unable to register ArcGIS GeoEvent Processor for Server when using a self-signed certificate over a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.
Note: This article pertains to ArcGIS versions 10.1 and 10.2. Later versions of ArcGIS may contain different functionality, as well as different names and locations for menus, commands and geoprocessing tools.
The registration fails when a self-signed certificate makes an untrusted connection to the browser while establishing the SSL connection.
Add the self-signed certificate to the certificate authority (CA) to ensure a trusted connection to the browser.
"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\GeoEventProcessor\jre\bin\keytool" -import -trustcacerts -file esrica.cer -alias esri_ca -keystore cacerts
Note: In this example, the certificate is named esrica.cer. Users must replace this name with a unique name for the self-signed certificate. When prompted for a password, type changeit. For the Alias parameter, select any name; the alias is a unique name that easily identifies the certificate.
Article ID: 000011987
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