On a shared network drive, trying to create an ArcInfo Workstation GRID format raster returns the following error codes:
Error 010429: Error in Grid IO: GetOpenTileChannel: Could not create tile. name: h:\gisuser\gis practice\demtest1, adepth: 32, type: 2, iomode: 1, version: 3, compression:1...
Error 010296: Error in writing raster h:\gisuser\gis practice\demtest1
Error 010067: Error in executing grid expression. Failed to execute (Fill).
The GRID format is the raster format devised for use in ArcInfo Worktstation. Since ArcInfo Workstations was originally written for Unix operating systems, and Unix does not allow spaces anywhere in file names or paths, data formats for ArcInfo Workstation are bound by the same constraint. This "no spaces" mandate is still in place for data in the GRID format, even though the files are being created on a Windows operating system.
Other raster formats, TIFF, JPG, BMP, and so forth, can be created at locations with spaces in path names, but the same analysis options may not be available.
Write the GRID to a location where there are no spaces in the path.
Article ID: 000023763
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