Reference a [MAP] and [ALIAS] file in a compiled help project file (*.hhp)

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to reference a [MAP] and [ALIAS] file in a compiled help project file (.HHP). Both the [MAP] and the [ALIAS] files must be referenced in the compiled help system's project file. If using Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop, both files must be referenced in the .HHP file.


Using Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop follow the steps below.

  1. Open the .HHP file in a text editor.
  2. Add the following text to the top of the file:

    #include 3danalysttools.ali
    #include analysistools.ali

    #include 3danalysttools.h
    #include analysistools.h

    Explicitly include the headers [ALIAS] and [MAP]. Every line under each header follows the following format:

    #include + <filename>.

    No paths are included, only the file name is specified since these files will reside in the same folder as the *.hhp file when the CHM file is compiled and created.
    [O-Image] kb27684_1

Article ID: 000007280

  • ArcMap 9 x

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