After upgrading an ArcGIS Server standard license to an advanced license and authorizing it, the license is not updated on the ArcGIS Server Manager Site tab.
This issue occurs when ArcGIS Server reads the old license key entry in its keycodes file. When a new license is added, the new license key is appended to the end of the keycodes file. However, in this case, ArcGIS Server reads the standard license key instead of the advanced license key, and uses the standard license to start the server.
Follow the steps provided to rename the keycodes file and restart the ArcGIS Server service to resolve the issue.
C:\Program Files\ESRI\License<OLDER_VERSION>\sysgen
Note: This process does not affect any data on the server. ArcGIS Server only reads the new keycodes file when it starts the service to determine what licenses the services must run with.
Article ID: 000012064
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