Attempting to select feature layers from the Polling feature layer drop-down list on the Options tab in Crowdsource Polling fails. The Polling feature layer drop-down list is unavailable. The subsequent options, such as the Field storing the vote tally for each report, and the Field used for sorting the list of features are also unavailable.
The feature layers used in Crowdsource Polling to submit comments or feedback are not hosted feature layers, and are not editable. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Collect and edit data for more information.
To resolve this issue, republish the feature layers as hosted feature layers for use in Crowdsource Polling. Check the Publish this file as a hosted feature layer. (Adds a hosted layer item with the same name.) check box when republishing the hosted feature layers to ArcGIS Online. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Publish hosted feature layers for more information, and recreate the Crowdsource Polling application. To do so, refer to ArcGIS Solutions for Local Government: Configure Crowdsource Polling.
The following image displays the Publish this file as a hosted feature layer. (Adds a hosted layer item with the same name.) check box in ArcGIS Online.
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