The My Hosted Services option is not available in the list of connection types

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When publishing a hosted service in ArcMap via File > Share As > Service, the My Hosted Services option is not available in the drop-down list of connection types in the Publish a Service dialog box.

From ArcMap, users can publish maps and data as web services that are hosted in ArcGIS Online. Users can publish two types of services directly from ArcMap: feature services and tiled map services. Users must be either Publishers or Administrators to publish these hosted services to ArcGIS Online.


This issue may be caused by one of the following:

  • User holds a free ArcGIS Online public account
    Public account holders do not have the privilege to publish hosted services. Only users with an organizational account can publish hosted services. The My Hosted Services option is not available for a user using a public account.
  • User is assigned as 'User' role
    To publish hosted services, users must have the permission to create content, publish features or tiles, and use geocoding. Only two roles have these permissions (Publisher and Administrator). The User role does not have the My Hosted Services option available because this role cannot publish hosted services to ArcGIS Online.
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is enabled
    In some scenarios, when using an older version of ArcMap, if SSL is enabled for the organization in ArcGIS Online, users are unable to connect to the organization’s content using ArcGIS for Desktop because the My Hosted Services repository does not refresh to show the content.

    The SSL setting only affects versions 10.1 and 10.2 of ArcMap when used with an older version of ArcGIS Online. However, as ArcGIS Online is constantly updated, the SSL protocol is no longer supported and replaced with the TLS (HTTPS) protocol.
As of version 10.3, ArcMap the SSL protocol is replaced with the TLS (HTTPS) protocol due to security vulnerability issues. For more information on how to manage connections using HTTPS, refer to ArcGIS Help: Manage ArcMap portal connections.

Solution or Workaround

Select one of the following options provided below, based on the account type:

User holds an ArcGIS Online public account
Select one of the following workarounds:
  • Contact Customer Service to set up a new organizational account as either a Publisher or an Administrator.
  • If the wrong account type was activated, contact a customer service representative to request a new activation link.
  • Create a trial organizational account at ArcGIS Online Trial. For more information on publishing using a public account, refer to the following technical article: Can a user with a public account publish hosted feature services to ArcGIS Online?
  • Make the data available for others to view through a web browser by adding the shapefile as a .zip file to a map and uploading it to the public account.
User role in the Organization
Change the user’s role to either Publisher or Administrator. To do this, please refer to ArcGIS Help: Manage members.

Article ID: 000012101

  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Online

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