In ArcGIS Online, a hosted feature service exported as a file geodatabase is downloaded as a corrupt ZIP file with a file size of 1 KB.
This issue occurs when the feature classes in the exported hosted feature service are corrupt, or contain broken geometry.
Solution or Workaround
A workaround is to repair and export the feature classes from the hosted feature service in ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap.
ArcGIS Pro
- In ArcGIS Pro, add a connection to ArcGIS Online. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Manage portal connections from ArcGIS Pro - Add a portal connection for steps to do this.
- In the Catalog pane, navigate to the Portal tab.
- Add the hosted feature service to the map by right-clicking the hosted feature service and navigating to Add To New > Map.
- In the Geoprocessing pane, navigate to Toolboxes > Conversion Tools > To Geodatabase and open the Feature Class To Geodatabase tool.
- Configure the Feature Class To Geodatabase tool parameters as follows:
- For Input Features, select the layers to be exported.
- For Output Geodatabase, click Browse....
. - Click the New Item drop-down menu and click File Geodatabase.
- Rename the file geodatabase, and click OK.
- Click Run.
Geoprocessing tools, such as the Feature Class To Geodatabase tool, check and repair feature class geometries as part of their loading process. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Checking and repairing geometries for more information.
- In ArcMap, add a connection to ArcGIS Online. Refer to ArcMap: Sign in to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise in ArcGIS Desktop applications for steps to do this.
- In the Catalog window, expand My Hosted Services, and drag the hosted feature service onto the map.
- In the Catalog window, navigate to Toolboxes > System Toolboxes > Conversion Tools > To Geodatabase, and open the Feature Class to Geodatabase tool.
- Configure the Feature Class to Geodatabase tool parameters as follows:
- For Input Features, select the feature classes to be exported from the drop-down list.
- For Output Geodatabase, click Browse
, and click New File Geodatabase. - Rename the file geodatabase, and click Add.
- Click OK to run the tool.
- In the Catalog window, add a connection to the newly created file geodatabase. Refer to ArcMap: Connect to a file or personal geodatabase or an SQLite database for more information.
- Expand the file geodatabase and add the layers to the map.
- In the Catalog window, navigate to Toolboxes > System Toolboxes > Data Management Tools > Features, and open the Repair Geometry tool.
- Configure the Repair Geometry tool parameters as follows:
- For Input Features, select the layer to be repaired from the drop-down list.
- Uncheck the Delete Features with Null Geometry check box.
- Click OK.

- Repeat this step for all subsequent layers.
REST endpoint
Another alternative is to download the hosted feature service as a file geodatabase from a REST endpoint. Refer to How To: Download a large hosted feature service with attachments from a REST endpoint for steps to do this.