Missing postscript fonts in layouts break exported .PDF, .EPS, and .SVG files

Last Published: April 25, 2020


If a layout is created on a computer that includes a Postscript font element, and then subsequently opened on a computer that does not have this font installed, the resultant export file may have invalid font names. Errors may occur when opening the file.


The missing Postscript font is erroneously encoded in the export file, and as a result the remaining fonts in the file are defined incorrectly.


Follow the process below to change the font from the missing postscript font to a truetype equivalent. For example, it changes from the Postscript Times font to the Truetype Times New Roman.

  1. Locate the text element that has the invalid font. If the text is part of a grouped element, for example a legend, it may be necessary to convert the element to graphics and ungroup the element to access the properties of the text.

    Use the right-click > Convert to Graphics function, then the right-click > Ungroup commands to ungroup grouped elements such as legends.

  2. Access the properties of the text element by right-clicking on it and selecting "Properties".
  3. Select Change Symbol on the Properties dialog box.
  4. Change the font selection to some other font, for example Arial, and then back to the Truetype font that is desired to register the change. Click OK.

    The Properties dialog will now display the correct Truetype font name. If it does not, go back and repeat steps 3 and 4, being sure to change the selection to another font before selecting the desired font. Once the properties display is correct, click OK to finalize the changes.

  5. Save the map and export it.

Article ID: 000007587

  • ArcMap 9 x

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