Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When launching ArcGIS Administrator normally or as a local administrator and clicking the Data License folder, ArcGIS Desktop does not respond and throws an error:

"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error! Program...Abnormal program termination."


The logged in user does not have access to the DataLicenses.dat file.

Solution or Workaround

One or more of the following suggestions allows access to the Data License folder in ArcGIS Administrator. Proceed to add Business Analyst Data license.

  • Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\ProgramData\ESRI\DataLicense and remove DataLicenses.dat.
  • Grant logon user full access to C:\ProgramData\ESRI\DataLicense.
    1. Right-click the DataLicense folder and go to Properties.
    2. Click on the Security tab and verify logon user has full access. If not, click on the Edit button, click Add, and provide or search for the login account. Once added, grant full access to DataLicense folder.
  • Run ArcGIS Administrator as local administrator. Go to Start > All Programs > ArcGIS. Right-click ArcGIS Administrator choose the option to 'Run as administrator.'

Article ID: 000012024

  • ArcMap

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