Use the Metadata Importer to import Metadata within an XML file into a Shapefile

Last Published: September 11, 2023


Upon downloading shapefiles from an ArcGIS Open Data site, the metadata is downloaded as a separate XML file.

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To include the metadata within the shapefile instead of in a separate XML file, the Metadata Importer can be used to import the XML file into the shapefile.

  1. Open ArcCatalog.
  2. Select the XML file to view the metadata within the description tab.
  3. To view the metadata in different styles navigate to Customize > ArcCatalog Options. On the Metadata tab, use the drop-down to select the desired style.

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  1. To copy metadata from the XML to the shapefile, open the Metadata Importer: from ArcToolbox > Conversion Tools > Metadata

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  1. Input the XML file as the Source Metadata and the shapefile as the Target Metadata, and run the tool. The metadata from the XML file is then transferred to the metadata of the shapefile.

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Article ID: 000014647

  • ArcGIS Desktop 1
  • ArcGIS Online

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