By specifying a bounding box, users can limit the data returned by the WFS service to only those features that fall within the defined geographic area. When working with large datasets, it is often inefficient to load all features from a WFS service. Using the BBOX parameter helps optimize performance by reducing the amount of data transferred from the WFS service.
In this specific example, a BBOX parameter is added to the following WFS service:
As described in the documentation, the BBOX parameter requires four values: minx, miny, maxx, maxy, which represent the minimum and maximum coordinates of the bounding box.
However, for this particular WFS service the coordinate system is WGS 1985, and therefore the BBOX parameter requires latitude and longitude input values.
In the context of WFS services, the use of x and y coordinates can vary depending on the service provider and the specific implementation. However typically:
Therefore a valid BBOX value of central Europe is for example, 41.967, -3.251, 54.162, 24.960 (min_lat, min_long, max_lat, max_long)
In the WFS Server Connection Properties, expand the Custom request parameters and add the BBOX parameter and 41.967,-3.251,54.162,24.960 as its value.
Note that WFS layers already in a map are not affected by this setting. Re-add the layer to the map for the BBOX parameters to apply.
As a result, only features within this bounding box are displayed.
Article ID: 000033758
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