Frequently asked question
A feature collection is a type of feature layer that is stored in ArcGIS Online. Essentially, a feature collection is a graphic layer which displays features and attributes on a web map using code that is stored within the item in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. Feature collections can be created by adding data directly to a web map and then saving the layers to the web map. The layers can be created using a Map Notes layer or by adding a file, such as CSV, shapefile, or GPX files, directly to a web map. After saving the web map, the feature collection information is stored within the web map JSON.
A particular feature collection layer can be saved as its own Item from the Contents of a web map by using the Save Layer option in the layer properties menu. The Item becomes a reusable layer in Content and can be shared with others as well as added to multiple web maps. However, a feature collection is technically a form of a JSON file, and does not have the same structure as a hosted feature service.
It is not possible to export a feature collection item directly to a file geodatabase. However, a feature collection can be published as a hosted feature service and the hosted feature service can then be exported to a file geodatabase. The steps are described below:
Article ID: 000012941
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