Hyperlink to a specific page in a PDF

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to access individual pages from PDF documents with hyperlinks.


Setting up hyperlinks that point to a specific page of a PDF document requires the use of field-based hyperlinks. To create a hyperlink to a specific PDF page, follow the steps below.

Additonal information is available through the link to ArcGIS Desktop Help in the Related Information, below.

  1. Add the hyperlink path to the desired field in the attribute table of your data.
    For example: C:\TEMP\MyPDF.pdf#page=7
  2. Double-click the layer in the table of contents for which you want to define the hyperlink.
  3. Click the Display tab.
  4. Check Support Hyperlinks using field.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow and click a field.
  6. Select 'Macro'.
  7. Click 'Create'. This creates a new Macro in the map document.
  8. Click on OK to close the Layer Properties dialog box. Navigate to Tools > Macros > Visual Basic Editor > to open the Visual Basic Editor dialog box.
  9. In the Visual Basic Editor click View > Project Explorer if the Project Explorer is not already visible. Navigate to Project > Modules > NewMacros.
  10. Copy and paste the code below in the Macro, over the existing code.

    It may be necessary to change the path to Internet Explorer.

    Sub Hyperlink(pLink, pLayer)

    Dim pHyperlink As IHyperlink
    Set pHyperlink = pLink

    Shell "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE " & pHyperlink.Link, vbNormalFocus

    End Sub

Article ID:000008917

  • ArcMap 9 x

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