Synchronize the map extent of multiple Map widgets referencing the same web map in ArcGIS Experience Builder

Last Published: October 4, 2022


When an experience contains multiple Map widgets with the same reference web map, the extent changes of the Map widgets need to be synchronized. Synchronizing the map extent of multiple Map widgets provides users with the most accurate view when comparing the Map widgets where the placement of symbols, labels, and annotations are different from one another.

This article describes the workflows to synchronize the map extent of two Map widgets that reference the same web map in ArcGIS Experience Builder. In this example, using the Section widget, two map views named Rental and Own House are created in the experience.


Configure the Section widget to create different map views and synchronize the map extent using the Button widget

  1. In ArcGIS Experience Builder, click Create new, select the preferred template, and click Create.
  2. On the Insert widget panel, search for the Section widget, and drag and drop it to the canvas.
  3. Configure the Section widget to add a new view.
    1. Click the Section widget, and click New view to add a new view to the section on the Content tab.
    2. Click the view, click Options Icon to expand Views configuration options. and select Rename to rename the view. In this example, View is renamed Rental, and View 2 is renamed Own House.
Views configuration pane.
  1. On the Insert widget panel, search for the Map widget, and drag and drop it to the Section widget in the first view (Rental).
  2. On the right panel, on the Content tab, under Source, click Select map and select the desired map.
  3. Select the second view (Own House) in the Section widget, and repeat Steps 4 through 5 to add the next desired map.
  4. Click the Section widget. On the right panel, on the Content tab, under Views, browse to the first view (Rental).
  5. Click the Map widget on the canvas. On the right panel, on the Content tab, configure the following settings.
    1. In the Action panel, click Add a trigger.
    2. In the Select a trigger pane, click Extent changes.
    3. In the Select a target pane, under Widgets, select the Map widget.
    4. In the Select an action pane, select Zoom to.
Map widget configuration pane after Zoom to action trigger is added.
  1. Repeat Step 8 for the Map widget in the second view (Own House).
  2. On the Insert widget panel, search for the Button widget, and drag and drop it to the canvas.
  3. Click the Button widget. On the right panel, on the Content tab, configure the following settings.
    1. Specify the name of the button in the Text option.
    2. Click the Set link button.
    3. Under Set link, configure the following settings.
      1. Click the Link to drop-down list and select View.
      2. Browse the Section drop-down list and select Rental.
      3. Leave the other settings in default.
      4. Click OK.
Set link configuration page.
  1. Repeat Steps 10 through 11 for the Map widget in the other views.
  2. Click Save Save icon. to save the configurations.

The image below displays the synchronized extent changes between two Map widgets with the same reference data when accessed via the Button widgets.

Synchronizing extent changes using Button widgets

Configure the Section widget to create different map views and synchronize the map extent using the Views Navigation widget

  1. Follow Steps 1 through 9 from the method above.
  2. On the Insert widget panel, search for the Views Navigation widget, and drag and drop it to the canvas.
  3. Click the Quick style Quick style icon. button to configure the design of the view.
  4. Click Save Save icon. to save the configurations.

The image below displays the synchronized extent changes between two Map widgets with the same reference date when accessed via the Views Navigation widgets.

Synchronizing extent changes using Views Navigation wisget.

Article ID: 000028395

  • ArcGIS Experience Builder

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