If a feature service is published with m- and z-values enabled, it is not possible to disable these properties on the published service. Disabling these properties requires exporting data from the hosted feature layer, changing these settings in ArcGIS Pro, and republishing the service. This article describes the workflow to remove the z-values and m-values of a feature layer named 'River' in ArcGIS Pro, whose properties are shown in the image below, where both z-values and m-values are enabled.
Note: The Feature Class To Feature Class tool has been deprecated and replaced by the Export Features (Conversion) tool.
In ArcGIS Pro, remove the z-values and m-values of the feature class using the Feature Class To Feature Class tool.
The image below shows the z-values and m-values are removed from the feature layer in ArcGIS Pro.
Article ID: 000026846
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