Move and resize contents in an ArcGIS Dashboards header

Last Published: December 28, 2022


Contents, such as titles and logos, can be configured in the ArcGIS Dashboards header. However, the header configuration is limited, and the position and size configuration of the contents are restricted to only a few options. Rich text elements can be utilized to replace the header for more control and flexibility. Advanced HTML formatting is available with rich text elements to further enhance the visual appearance of headers.

This article describes the workflow to move and resize titles and logos by utilizing rich text elements to replace the header in ArcGIS Dashboards.

The image below displays the overlapping title and logo in the header.

The ArcGIS Dashboards header with an overlapping title and logo.


  1. Open the ArcGIS Dashboards project.
  2. Add the rich text element to the dashboard.
    1. On the dashboard toolbar, click the Layout panel and click Body.
    2. Click Add element and select Rich text from the drop-down list.
The Rich text element selected from the Body tab in the Layout panel.
  1. Configure the parameters in the Rich text configuration window.
    1. To set the Text color and Background color of the rich text element, select the desired colors from the drop-down menus.
The colors selected for the Text color and Background color parameters.
  1. In the text editor, type the dashboard title and use the formatting options to customize. In this example, 'Sea temperature analysis' is used as the title.
To include advanced HTML formatting, click Source in the text editor and enter the HTML. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Effective use of HTML for more information.
The title is configured in the text editor.
  1. Click the Image The Image button. button in the text editor to add the logo.
  2. In the Image Properties window, input the logo URL in the URL* parameter and configure the other parameters to set the position and size of the logo in the rich text element.
  3. Click OK.
The logo is configured in the Image Properties window.
  1. Click Done to close the Rich Text configuration window.
  2. Resize the rich text element to the desired height. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Resize elements for more information.
  1. Click Save on the dashboard toolbar to save the configurations.

The image below displays the title and logo in the rich text element as the header in ArcGIS Dashboards.

The title and logo in the rich text element configured as the header in ArcGIS Dashboards.

Article ID: 000028936

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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