Contents, such as titles and logos, can be configured in the ArcGIS Dashboards header. However, the header configuration is limited, and the position and size configuration of the contents are restricted to only a few options. Rich text elements can be utilized to replace the header for more control and flexibility. Advanced HTML formatting is available with rich text elements to further enhance the visual appearance of headers.
This article describes the workflow to move and resize titles and logos by utilizing rich text elements to replace the header in ArcGIS Dashboards.
The image below displays the overlapping title and logo in the header.
Note: To include advanced HTML formatting, click Source in the text editor and enter the HTML. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Effective use of HTML for more information.
The image below displays the title and logo in the rich text element as the header in ArcGIS Dashboards.
Article ID: 000028936
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