Measure volumes in Site Scan Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS

Last Published: September 12, 2023


Instructions provided describe how to measure volumes using the Volume tool in Site Scan Manager.

Site Scan Manager's Volume tool is designed to estimate the volume of stockpiles, trenches, and other voids or volumes. There are three base planes available that account for the underlying terrain: lowest point, highest point, and best fit.

  • The lowest point base plane finds the lowest elevation within the selected area, and creates the base plane from that point. This is best suited for stockpiles on a flat surface—or with walls or other stockpiles nearby—that is to be cut.
  • The highest point base plane works from the highest point in the selected area, and is great in cases where the area is to be filled, such as a trench or hole.
  • The best fit base plane is the default plane in Site Scan, and is the most robust of the three; it automatically determines the most appropriate fit for the selected area.


  1. Select the Volume tool from the Measure menu at the top of the screen. The Volume tool also measures the area of the drawing.
Select Volume tool
  1. After selecting the polygon tool, click the map to set the first point. Continue selecting points around the desired area to measure. To close the shape, press the Enter or Return key, or double-click the last point created. Once the area is delimited, click the polygon created and the measurements are returned. By default, the measurement displayed is the best fit base plane.
    • When the net volume displays cut, it means the tool is detecting an excess of volume over the base, for example, a stockpile.
    • When the net volume displays fill, it means the tool is detecting a negative volume (or the absence of material), which indicates it is a trench.
Volume cut and fill
  1. Click View Volume in 3D to access Mesh Viewer for a better understanding of the measurements.
View Volume in 3D

Edit the area selected and observe the changes displayed in Mesh Viewer on the right.

Observe changes in the mesh viewer

Change the underlying terrain using the drop-down menu at the top-right of the screen, and get different measurements according to variations on the base.

Change the underlying terrain
  • Lowest Elevation Plane: Creates a flat base based on the lowest of the points used to draw the polygon.
  • Highest Elevation Plane: Creates a flat base based on the highest of the points used to draw the polygon.
Highest Elevation Plane
  • Level Base Plane: Enables the user to define a custom flat base at a specific altitude above mean sea level. By default, it always goes to the lowest points selected, but can be modified by changing the Elevation value.

Article ID: 000023029

  • Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS

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