Find nearby features within driving distance in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Classic

Last Published: November 23, 2022


In ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Classic, nearby features within a specified driving distance of features in a layer can be found using the Summarize Nearby tool.

This article provides the workflow on how to use two point feature layers to run the Summarize Nearby analysis tool with the Driving Distance travel mode in Map Viewer Classic. In this example, nearby petrol stations within 8 miles of Point A are calculated and displayed within a marked driving distance area in Map Viewer Classic.


  1. Log in to ArcGIS Online and open the map in Map Viewer Classic.
  2. Navigate to the Analysis tab, under Perform Analysis, click Summarize Data.
  3. In the Summarize Data drop-down list, select the Summarize Nearby tool.
Navigating to the Summarize Nearby tool in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Classic
  1. In the Summarize Nearby pane, configure the following parameters:
  1. For Choose layer from which distances will be measured to features in the layer to summarize, select the layer from which distances are measured. In this example, the Point A layer is selected.
  2. For Choose a layer to summarize, select the layer to summarize. In this example, the Petrol Stations layer is selected.
  3. For Summarize nearest features using a, click the drop-down arrow and select Driving Distance. Define the value and select the unit of measurement. In this example, 8 miles is defined.
The first input layer is Point A and the second input layer is Petrol Stations. 8 miles is the Driving Distance
  1. For Result layer name, specify a name for the output layer and click RUN ANALYSIS.
Naming the result layer

The image below shows the features within the 8-mile driving distance range of Point A displayed on the map after running the Summarize Nearby tool.

Features within the 8 miles driving distance range of point A using the Summarize Nearby tool

Article ID: 000028641

  • ArcGIS Online

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