Delete unused replicas from a distributed collaboration in Portal for ArcGIS

Last Published: December 2, 2022


Distributed collaborations allow ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise users to share content between organizations. Hosted or reference feature layer items can be shared to a collaboration workspace with the option to copy data. When sharing a feature layer by copying data, a new item is created for collaboration participants and the copied data is used to publish a feature layer for collaboration participants. The original feature layer can be edited by the owner and the changes made are synchronized to collaboration participants at a scheduled interval.

Synchronization of edits by collaboration participants utilizes replicas to identify which feature layer must be synchronized. Due to various reasons, such as multiple synchronizations between collaboration workspaces, stale replicas may be created. A stale replica is a replica that has not been synchronized in the last 30 days. These unused replicas consume disk space unnecessarily and cause performance issues.

Periodically, Portal for ArcGIS runs a task that checks for stale replicas. If stale replicas are detected, the following debug log message is generated:

The feature layers in your portal have '4' replicas that haven't been used for more than '30' days.
The debug log message returned if stale replicas are found

If the above log message is observed, it is advisable to remove these replicas using the steps described in this article.


  1. Navigate to the ArcGIS Portal Directory using the following URL and log in as an administrator.
  1. On the ArcGIS Portal Directory homepage, navigate to Portals > Self > Collaborations.
  2. Under Collaboration Id, select the collaboration with unused replicas.
  3. Click Replicas. Replicas older than 30 days are listed.
The Collaboration page with the Replicas button
  1. Click Delete Replicas.
The Unused Replicas with Elapsed Time of 30 days
  1. On the Unused Replicas page, for Elapsed Time in Days, specify the elapsed number of days for the replicas. The default value is 30 days.
  2. For Format, select JSON from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Delete Replicas.
The Delete Unused Replicas function
The following response indicates a successful request in JSON:
  "success": true

Article ID: 000017214

  • Portal for ArcGIS

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