Create scale-based label sizing in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

Last Published: July 4, 2024


Scale-based label sizing is applied to a map by setting appropriate text symbol sizes for labeling at multiple scale ranges. It is often necessary to build scale-based label sizing to enhance data presentation on the maps. The presentation is enhanced as scale-based label sizing reduces visual density at smaller scales while retaining appropriate relative sizes at larger scales. This article provides the workflow to create scale-based label sizing in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer by adjusting the text symbol sizes and the visible scale ranges for the labels.


  1. In ArcGIS Online, access the hosted feature layer and open it in Map Viewer.
  2. In the Layers pane, expand the group layer and select the layer. In this example, the 'Schools all' layer is selected.
The Layers pane.
  1. On the Settings (light) toolbar, click theĀ More button and select Labels.
The More button and the Labels option on the Settings toolbar.
  1. In the Label features pane, toggle Enable labels on and click Add label class.
The Enable labels toggle button.
  1. Under Label field, click the drop-down arrow.
The drop-down arrow under Label field.
  1. In the Replace field list, select the attribute field to create the label. In this example, the 'NAME' field is selected.
The Replace field list.
  1. Adjust the label visibility at different zoom levels by dragging one or both handles on the Visible range slider.
The Visible range slider.
Alternatively, to set a more precise scale, click the drop-down menu beside the scale labels and type a representative fraction or choose a predefined zoom level.
  1. Under Label style, click the Edit label style drop-down arrow to open the Label style pane.
The Edit label style drop-down arrow
  1. In the Label style pane, under Size, click the box and specify the appropriate size for the label.
The size option in the Label style pane.
  1. Click the Close button to return to the Label features pane.
  2. In the Label features pane, at the newly created label, click the More Options button and select Duplicate to duplicate as many labels as desired.
The More options button in the Label features pane, and the Duplicate option.
  1. Repeat Steps 7 through 10 for the duplicated labels and apply different zoom levels and label sizes. In this example, the zoom levels are set from Counties to Town with a 9-point font size, from Town to Streets with a 12-point font size, from Streets to Buildings with a 18-point font size, and Buildings to Room with a 24-point font size.
The zoom levels for four different labels.
  1. Click Save to save the changes.

The map shows the scale-based label sizing applied to the labels.

The scale-based label sizing applied to the map's labels shows different font sizes at different zoom levels.

Article ID: 000031317

  • ArcGIS Online

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