Creating a static color ramp in ArcMap is beneficial when working with large sets of data symbolized with unique values. The color ramps used to display symbology in ArcMap are designed to be random; each unique value is matched to a random color in the color ramp selected by users. Therefore, the same order of colors is not displayed for each value every time the color ramp is modified.
This is a limitation for users when creating a duplicate layer to display the map legend. When setting the color ramp for the original and duplicate layers in the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties dialog box, the randomized colors in the color ramp result in the original layer and duplicate layer displaying different colors for the same unique value.
Note: Folders stored in the folder contain system styles that are read-only and cannot be modified, as indicated by the gray folder icon.
Note: To ensure that the static color ramp is used when applying symbology, in the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties dialog, right-click the color ramp, and uncheck the Graphic View option. Click the Color Ramp drop-down list, and select the correct color ramp.
Article ID: 000015107
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