Create a list of feature class names with PerfQAnalyzer

Last Published: April 25, 2020


It is often necessary to create a list of feature class names. This is especially useful when an MXD has a large number of layers and/or feature classes and a list of them is needed for documentation or an email. The PerfQAnalyzer tool has this capability, and these instructions describe how to do this using the 'Create a feature class names file' option on the Extents tab of the PerfQAnalyzer tool.

The PerfQAnalyzer tool can run as an ArcMap add-in or as a standalone application.

This is a free, non-supported tool offered to the Esri user community that can be used to assist users in calibrating ArcGIS performance.

The latest version of PerfQAnalyzer, 10.8 (Build 173), is compatible with the earlier released versions of ArcGIS, 10.2 through 10.7.1. The tool may be downloaded from the following page:


The Create a feature class names file option outputs a feature class list as a text (.txt) file on disk. Users can interactively select which feature classes to be included in the list, as follows.

  1. Open an existing ArcGIS map document (MXD).
  2. If necessary, click the Pin Tabs button located in the upper right corner of the PerfQAnalyzer tool to open the tool options.
  1. Click the Extents tab and select the option Create a feature class names file from the drop-down list.
  2. If necessary, click on the plus sign next to the Feature Classes section to expand the options.
  1. Specify a location to save the text file to disk.
  1. Click the Get Feature Classes button.
  1. Select the appropriate feature classes to be exported to the text file.
  2. Click the Save Feature Class Names button to save the text file.

Article ID: 000011749

  • ArcMap

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