The workflow provided describes how to convert 3D point features in the XYZ file format to raster using the 3D Analyst and Conversion tools in ArcMap.
- Obtain the average point spacing value (Pt_Spacing) of the 3D point features using the Point File Information tool.
- In the ArcToolbox pane, click 3D Analyst Tools > Conversion > From File > Point File Information.
- In the Point File Information window, click the folder icon under the Browse for: Files section and navigate to the folder location of the 3D point data (.xyz). Select the 3D point data (.xyz) and click Open.
- In the Output Feature Class section, click the folder icon and specify the location for the output feature class. In the Output Feature Class window, specify a Name for the output and click Save.
- In the File Format section, select XYZ.
- Leave the other parameters at default, and click OK.
- In the Table Of Contents pane, under Layers, right-click the output and click Open Attribute Table. Copy the Pt_Spacing value.
- Convert the XYZ file to a feature class using the ASCII 3D To Feature Class tool.
- In the ArcToolbox pane, click 3D Analyst Tools > Conversion > From File > ASCII 3D To Feature Class.
- In the ASCII 3D To Feature Class window, click the folder icon under the Browse for: Files section, and navigate to the folder location of the point data (.xyz). Select the point data (.xyz) and click Open.
- In the Input File Format section, select XYZ.
- In the Output Feature Class section, click the folder icon and specify the folder location of the output feature class.
- In the Output Feature Class Type section, select MULTIPOINT.
- In the Average Point Spacing (optional) section, paste the value of the Pt_Spacing from the attribute table of the output in step 1(f).
- Leave the other parameters at default, and click OK.

- Convert the point feature class to raster using the Point to Raster tool.
- In the ArcToolbox pane, click Conversion Tools > To Raster > Point to Raster.
- In the Point to Raster window, in the Input Features section, select the point feature class (the output from step 2) and click Add.
- Ensure Shape.Z is selected for Value field.
- In the Output Raster Dataset section, navigate to the folder location of the output raster. In the Output Raster Dataset window, specify a Name for the output raster and click Save.
- Leave the other parameters at default, and click OK.