This article is intended for users who have already installed and configured the ArcGIS Survey123 website in their environment. The ArcGIS Survey123 website installer must be downloaded from the My Esri website. For more information on running and configuring the ArcGIS Survey123 website installation, refer to the article: How To: Install and configure the ArcGIS Survey123 website
The ArcGIS Survey123 website installer requires additional manual steps to properly configure it for use in completely disconnected environments with no access to the internet. The requirements are:
ArcGIS Survey123 Connect provides form templates and samples to survey authors for use as a base to create new surveys. By default, ArcGIS Survey123 Connect attempts to access these templates and samples in, which is not possible in a disconnected environment.
The solution is to manually upload the form templates and samples to ArcGIS Enterprise portal, share them to a group, and set the ArcGIS Survey123 Organization properties to point ArcGIS Survey123 Connect to access them. Esri provides a Python script and SQLite database to automate this process, but it can also be done manually if desired.
The script does the following:
"templatesGroupQuery": "id:9a26557f64ef4584931a6b28814bc766" "samplesGroupQuery": "id:a81fa0016af24a5ab9939990ffb589f3" "esriTemplatesConnectGroupQuery": "id:738029d818674f45b9d91aee70e92d58", "esriTemplatesWebsiteGroupQuery": "id:2af4f1919ef54f40abf898c8a0487b99", "communityTemplatesConnectGroupQuery": "id:d345218237c9487484c98dbaf82d3404", "communityTemplatesWebsiteGroupQuery": "id:93e1a6ebb65941368622406015c1e155"
The following are instructions to run the Python script to configure the ArcGIS Survey123 website offline capability. The Python script is designed to run on a machine with ArcGIS API for Python installed.
Note: ArcGIS Pro 2.1 and later releases ship with conda and the arcgis package pre-installed. There is a common issue when using arcgis package version 1.7.0. Therefore, upgrade to arcgis package version 1.7.1.
Note: The account used to run this script is the owner of the uploaded forms. This means the uploaded content is displayed in the My Surveys page of the Survey123 website, and the gallery page of ArcGIS Survey123 Connect for that account. Given the large number of forms, Esri recommends running the script from an account that is not used to author surveys.
python <portal_url> <auth_method>
It is also possible to specify optional parameters if required. Below is the list of <required> and [optional] parameters along with a short explanation for each component:
<portal_url> <auth_method> --folder [folder_name] --username [username] --cert_file [certificate] --password [password] --key_file [key_file] --client_id [client_id]
The image below specifies iwa as the authentication method. This method, and pro do not require any additional parameters.
C:\script>python iwa
The image below is an example of the command to run the script with the user_pass authentication method which requires additional parameters for the username and password.
C:\script>python --username portaladmin --password @dminPa$$word user_pass
Note: Use ArcGIS Survey123 Connect 3.10 and above to read the group query Organization Properties, so any new surveys can utilize the locally hosted survey templates and samples in a disconnected environment.
ArcGIS Survey123 Connect makes internet requests to access other content such as tutorial videos, GeoNet and Twitter. These requests can be disabled by setting two ArcGIS Survey123 Organization properties, showTutorialContent and showCommunityContent. These properties are automatically set during the post installation wizard via the question, 'Are you installing the Survey123 website in a disconnected environment with no internet access?' Depending on the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, a manual post installation may have been necessary which means this setting has not been updated.
Follow the steps below to manually set these properties using the Organization Properties editor included in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
Note: Properties must be separated with a comma. For example, "showTutorialContent": false, "showCommunityContent": false.
The Tutorials and Community tabs are no longer available in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
There are three Open in Survey123 links available in ArcGIS Enterprise portal to launch survey content, and these links use by default.
To use the installed ArcGIS Survey123 website host URL, follow the instructions below:
ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and earlier
ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 and later<portalID>/settings
Ensure the Open in Survey123 app, Manage in Survey123 website, and Edit in Survey123 Connect links utilize the installed ArcGIS Survey123 website host URL.
Article ID: 000023968
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