Auto-populate repeat records with values from another repeat group in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

Last Published: September 3, 2024


In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, a repeat question can be configured to auto-populate records from another repeat group, simplifying the data collection process for identical fields in related tables.

This article provides the workflow to configure the XSLForm to auto-populate repeat records with values from another repeat group in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.


  1. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, open the survey's XLSForm.
  2. Below the first repeat group, add a calculate question type to count the number of entries in the first repeat question.
    1. In the survey worksheet's type column, click the drop-down arrow and select calculate.
    2. In the name and label columns, specify the values. In this example, both are specified as c1.
    3. In the calculation column, specify the following expression:
The calculate question settings in the XLSForm
  1. In the second repeat group, for the begin repeat row, in the repeat_count column, specify the following expression:
The repeat_count column in the XLSForm
  1. For the two similar question rows, use the indexed-repeat() and position (..) functions to return the index from the first repeat group. In the calculation column, specify the following expression:
indexed-repeat(${<field_name>}, ${<repeat_name>}, position(..))
The calculation column in the XLSForm
  1. Press Ctrl + S to save the XLSForm, and the survey is automatically updated in the ArcGIS Survey123 Connect preview.

In this example, the fields in the second repeat group (RObservation) auto-populated as responses are entered in the first repeat group (RDeclaration). When filling in the third entry of the first repeat group, the repeat count is automatically populated for the second repeat group. Navigating through the entries displays the auto-populated responses.

The survey form

Article ID: 000033332

  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

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