In ArcGIS Enterprise, licensing roles for federated servers can be configured from the Organization tab. However, attempting to configure the server roles fail, returning the following error message:
Error: Unable to load the ArcGIS Server backing stores and/or the ArcGIS Server license information.
The server's root certificate is untrusted and may be configured without a subject alternative name (SAN) parameter. This can be indicated in the portal logs as an error about the certificate missing the SAN parameter. An untrusted certificate includes self-signed certificates and certificates issued by an unrecognized certificate authority (CA).
Replace the self-signed certificate with a CA-signed certificate.
To generate a new CA-signed certificate and configure ArcGIS Server with the certificate, refer to ArcGIS Server: Configure ArcGIS Server with a new CA-signed certificate.
To configure ArcGIS Server with an existing CA-signed certificate, refer to ArcGIS Server: Configure ArcGIS Server with an existing CA-signed certificate.
Article ID: 000025762
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