Attempts to start a service in ArcGIS Server Manager fail, and the following error message is returned:
Error: Service failed to start <serviceName>:<machineName> No Layer or Table was initialized.
Register the database with the service stored with ArcGIS Server
Verify if the database with the service stored is registered with ArcGIS Server. If the database is not registered, refer to ArcGIS Server: Register your data with ArcGIS Server using Server Manager for instructions.
Validate the data store
Verify if the data store is validated with ArcGIS Server. If the data store is not validated, refer to How To: Validate ArcGIS Data Store for instructions.
Rename the file or table to its original name
Verify if the file or table name stored on the machine referenced by ArcGIS Server is consistent, and rename it if the name is different.
Remove any additional ObjectID field from the table
To remove a field from the layer's table in Portal for ArcGIS, refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Add or delete a field for instructions.
Article ID: 000027384
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