Error joining tables: Attribute column not found[Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Deferred prepare could not be completed]...

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The error can occur when attempting to perform an Advanced Join, in ArcMap 8.3, using the option to "Keep only matching records". The error occurs under the following circumstances:

1. The join is between a versioned feature class and an unversioned database table which is loaded into ArcMap through an ArcSDE connection to a SQL Server database.

2. Neither the feature class nor the table are loaded as their respective data owners.

The entire error message is:

Error joining tables.
Attribute column not found[Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Deferred prepare could not be completed.][<database>.<Feature class owner>.<Feature class name>][STATE_ID=0]


This is a known issue with ArcSDE 8.3.


There are three potential workarounds:

  1. Load either the table or feature class as their respective data owner
  2. Load the table through an OLE DB connection.
  3. Register the table as versioned.

    This issue has been resolved for ArcSDE 9.0.

Article ID: 000006704

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