When publishing a survey from ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, the following error message is returned:
Error: The custom feature service submission_url is not compatible with this survey. Fields not found in the feature service: ()
By design, adding new questions to a survey that references a hosted feature layer is not possible and returns the error.
To resolve the error, set the bind::esri:fieldType column to null for the added questions' rows in the XLSForm in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect. Setting the bind::esri:fieldType column to null does not create a new field in the hosted feature layer. The added questions are available in the survey, but the collected survey data for the questions are not recorded and are not displayed when viewed or edited in the ArcGIS Survey123 field app Inbox.
Note: This solution can only be implemented by the layer's owner or an administrator of the organization.
To add new questions for data collection in a survey that references a hosted feature layer, add new fields for the questions to the hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online, and create a new survey by referencing the updated hosted feature layer. To add a new field to the hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online, refer to How to: Add a field to an ArcGIS Online hosted feature service for instructions.
Article ID: 000032727
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