ArcGIS Field Maps Sharing Markup to Organization Feature

Last Published: March 3, 2025


In the 25 June 2025 ArcGIS Field Maps release, the ability for users to share markup to their organization in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise will no longer be supported.

Markup is a feature in Field Maps that enables the mobile worker to draw and take notes on the map. Currently, users can share markup peer-to-peer through email, text, and so forth, and can share their markup back to their organization, if they have a Creator user type.

In the June release of Field Maps, there will be significant enhancements to the markup capability, which modernizes the user experience. However, Esri will be discontinuing the functionality that allows direct sharing of markup back to the organization. This decision is necessitated by the fact that the feature collection item facilitating markup sharing to the organization is not supported by Map Viewer. Users will continue to have the option to share the markup through peer-to-peer sharing.


Customers with users who share markup to the organization will need to adjust their workflows to share markup via text, email, or other communication channels, or have users capture geometry with the collect feature in Field Maps.

Article ID: 000034981

  • ArcGIS Field Maps Android
  • ArcGIS Field Maps iOS

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