Customize ArcGIS Web Adaptor error messages

Last Published: January 3, 2024


Sometimes, users would like to customize an error message returned from the ArcGIS Web Adaptor. For example, let's say that the user wants to modify the following error message that they get when the Portal for ArcGIS service is stopped:

Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.
sample error message
This article only applies to versions older than 11.x.


Modify the resource file in Windows

  1. Create a backup of the file "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<webadaptorname>\App_GlobalResources\webAdaptor.en.resx"
  2. Open the file with Notepad.
If using a language other than English, make a backup of the appropriate file. For example, if using French, use the file  "", and then open it in Notepad.
  1. Find the error message that you want to change, in this example:
<value>Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.</value>
value to change in .resx file
  1. Replace it with the desired string, as follows:
<value>ArcGIS Enterprise portal is currently under maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.</value>
new value in .resx file
  1. Refresh the page to find the new error message, as shown below:
new error message

Modify the resource file in Linux

  1. Open the directory of the web server, for example, let's say the client is using Apache Tomcat Web Server and its path is /data/tomcat
  2. Change the directory to the following path:
cd /data/tomcat/webapps/<webadaptorname>/WEB_INF/classes/res
  1. Make a backup of the file.
  2. Use a text editor to open the file:
If using a language other than English, make a backup of the appropriate file. For example, if using French, use the "" file.
  1. Find the error message that you want to change:
portal_cannot_proxy=Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.
original message in file
  1. Replace it with the desired string:
portal_cannot_proxy=ArcGIS Enterprise portal is currently under maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
new message in file
  1. Restart the Tomcat service:
systemctl restart tomcat
  1. Refresh the page to find the new error, shown in the image below:
new error message

Article ID: 000029282

  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10 7 x
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10 8 x
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10 9 x
  • ArcGIS Web Adaptor

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