ArcGIS Configurable Apps Deprecation

Last Published: November 21, 2024


ArcGIS Configurable Apps, including the configuring experience of the Configurable Apps Gallery in ArcGIS Online, was deprecated with the ArcGIS Online June 2023 update. ArcGIS Configurable Apps will be retired in ArcGIS Online at the beginning of 2026, when the first update of ArcGIS Online scheduled for 2026 occurs (usually in Q1 2026). The final version of ArcGIS Enterprise to include Configurable Apps will release in the first half of 2025.

Deprecation does not impact ArcGIS Configurable Apps availability or functionality, but does communicate the intention to retire ArcGIS Configurable Apps in the future. ArcGIS Configurable Apps continues to be available until it is officially retired, but will not receive new features or other enhancements. Before retirement, users are still able to create apps using ArcGIS Configurable Apps templates and existing apps will continue to work.

Retirement of Configurable Apps is expected to be in 2026. At the point of retirement:

  • Users will no longer be able to create any configurable apps in ArcGIS Online.
  • Apps previously created by users using ArcGIS Configurable Apps will remain in their ArcGIS Online content folder but will no longer work
  • The configuring experience of the Configurable Apps Galleries will not be available.
  • The ArcGIS Configurable Apps developer experience, which allows users to customize Configurable Apps templates and host them in their own data server, will also be removed.
  • The source code for Configurable Apps templates will no longer be available to download.


In advance of ArcGIS Configurable Apps retirement in 2026, Esri recommends users identify any configurable apps they are still actively using in their ArcGIS Online organization and proactively re-create those apps using more modern technology such as ArcGIS Instant Apps. Refer to the documentation or the following resources to help make the transition:

To quickly check if your organization has any of these previously configured apps using the templates listed below, refer to the article Identify deprecated Configurable Apps in ArcGIS Online using a Python script.

For Enterprise users only

Most Configurable Apps have been removed in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. The remaining templates that will be removed after the ArcGIS Enterprise release in the first half of 2025 include the following: Basic Viewer, Compare, Crowdsource Manager, Crowdsource Polling, Crowdsource Reporter, GeoForm, Image Mask, and Image Visit. Esri recommends Enterprise customers update to a later version of Enterprise 10.9.1 and above in order for customers to have access to more modern equivalent templates in ArcGIS Instant Apps and rebuild the replacement applications as shown below. The final version of ArcGIS Enterprise to include Configurable Apps will release in the first half of 2025.


The table below details the deprecated apps, along with their recommended replacement apps.

One way to identify these configurable apps in your organization is the app URL, which uses the following pattern:

Deprecated templates
App template nameTemplateIDRecommended Replacement
Basic ViewerBasicInstant Apps: Sidebar
Basic Viewer 2014ViewerInstant Apps: Sidebar
Category Gallery FilterGallery Instant Apps: Category Gallery 
CompareCompareInstant Apps: Compare
Compare Analysis 2015 CompareAnalysis Instant Apps: Compare 
Compare Scenes Compare3d Instant Apps: Compare 
Crowdsource ManagerCrowdsourceManagerInstant Apps: Manager
Crowdsource PollingCrowdsourcePollingInstant Apps: Reporter
Crowdsource ReporterCrowdsourceReporterInstant Apps: Reporter
Elevation Profile 2015 Profile Instant Apps: Media Map, 3D Viewer, or Nearby 
Filter 2014 InteractiveFilter Instant Apps: Sidebar, Interactive legend 
Find, Edit, and Filter  
July 2014 
Instant Apps: Sidebar 
Finder 2014 Instant Apps: Sidebar 
GeoFormGeoFormSurvey123, Instant Apps: Reporter
Imagery Viewer ImageryViewer Instant Apps: Image Viewer 
Image MaskImageMask
Image VisitImageVisitInstant Apps: Sidebar
Impact Summary ImpactSummary ArcGIS Dashboards 
Information Lookup InformationLookup Instant Apps: Zone Lookup 
Interactive Legend InteractiveLegend Instant Apps: Interactive Legend 
Layer Showcase LayerShowcase Instant Apps: Category Gallery 
Local Perspective LocalPerspective Instant Apps: Nearby 
Map Carousel MapCarousel Instant Apps: Category Gallery 
Map Styler Styler Instant Apps: Media Map 
Map Tools MapTools Instant Apps: Media Map 
Maps and Apps Gallery MapsAndAppGallery Instant Apps: Category Gallery 
Media Map Media Instant Apps: Media Map 
Minimal Gallery MinimalGallery Instant Apps: Category Gallery 
Minimalist 2016 Minimalist Instant Apps: Sidebar 
Nearby LocalPerspective Instant Apps: Nearby 
Public Gallery PublicGallery Instant Apps: Category Gallery 
Public Information PublicInformation Instant Apps: Media Map 
Scene Styler Styler Instant Apps: 3D Viewer 
Scene with Inset Map 3DInsetMap Instant Apps: 3D Viewer 
Simple Map Viewer 2014 SimpleViewer Instant Apps: Media Map 
Simple Scene Viewer 3DScene Instant Apps: 3D Viewer 
Story Map Basic 2015 StoryMapBasic Instant Apps: Basic 
Story Map Cascade Cascade ArcGIS StoryMaps 
Story Map Journal MapJournal ArcGIS StroyMaps (Sidebar) 
Story Map Series MapSeries Instant Apps: Portfolio, ArcGIS StoryMaps (Collection), Experience Builder 
Story Map Shortlist MapShortlist ArcGIS StoryMaps (Tour templates) 
Story Map Swipe and Spyglass StorytellingSwipe ArcGIS StoryMaps (Swipe block) 
Story Map Tour MapTour ArcGIS StoryMaps (Tour templates) 
Summary Viewer SummaryViewer ArcGIS Dashboards 
Time Aware 2016 TimeAware Instant Apps: Media Map or Slider 
Zone Lookup ZoneLookup Instant Apps: ZoneLookup 

Additionally, refer to the ArcGIS Configurable Apps Life Cycle page for more information.

Article ID: 000030663

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Enterprise

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