An error occurred when trying to set the shape in the feature (geodatabase level); the coordinates or measures are out of bounds

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When creating route events from road centerlines, the following error message is displayed:

"An error occurred when trying to set the shape in the feature (geodatabase level); the coordinates or measures are out of bounds."


This error occurs, because the features length exceeds the possible M Domain.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve the error, a new feature class with a larger spatial extent must be created. Then the existing data schema and feature attributes are imported into the new feature class, followed by re-creating route events.

  1. To increase the M Domain, create a new feature dataset, import a coordinate system from the existing road centerline dataset, and lower the M Resolution.
  2. Create a new feature class in a new dataset (accepting the default M Domain values from the old feature dataset).
  3. Import the schema from the road centerlines feature class.
  4. Use the Simple Data Loader to load the data into the empty schema.
  5. Use the Make Route tool in ArcMap to re-create the route events.

Article ID:000009796

  • ArcMap

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