Add a feature class to a one-way or two-way replica

Last Published: November 13, 2020


Currently, there is no out-of-the-box tool to add a feature class to an existing replica. With ArcGIS Desktop, one must either recreate the replica or, if the workflow allows, replicate the new feature class as a separate replica.
A feature class or table can only be added to an existing replica (without recreating the replica) using ArcObjects code.

This article pertains to ArcGIS versions 9.x only. Later versions of ArcGIS may contain different functionality, as well as different names and locations for menus, commands and geoprocessing tools.
ArcSDE software, including the application server, command tools, and SDK with C and Java APIs, was deprecated at ArcGIS 10.2.2 and is no longer distributed. ArcGIS software features were deprecated, rather than immediately removed, to provide customers with backward compatibility and give as much advance notice as possible to adopt newer technology.


Use the instructions in How to add a feature class or table to an existing replica to add the feature class to the replica by way of ArcObjects code.

The steps below outline how the recreate the replica using the Register Existing Data option in Desktop. These steps can be applied to both one-way and two-way replicas.

  1. Synchronize the changes between primary and secondary replica geodatabases using the existing replica so that the data is identical in each database, then unregister the replica in both geodatabases. For two-way replicas, ensure that changes are synchronized in both directions and there are no outstanding edits before unregistering the replica.
  2. Create/import the new feature class into the primary geodatabase, and add the GlobalID.
  3. Register the newly added data as versioned.
  4. Copy and paste the new feature class to the secondary geodatabase using ArcCatalog.
The GlobalIDs must have already been added to the feature class.
  1. For two-way replica or one-way full model, register the newly added data in secondary geodatabase as versioned.
  2. Using the primary geodatabase, add all the data that is to be replicated to a map in ArcMap.
  3. Click the Create Replica tool on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar.
  4. Select One way replica or Two way replica and click Next.
  5. Select Register existing data only.
  6. Select the secondary geodatabase and specify a replica name.
  7. Click Next and click Finish.
    A new replica is created that includes the new data.

Article ID: 000010345

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