Access offline edits from ArcGIS Field Maps directly from an iOS device without iTunes

Last Published: February 28, 2024


The following article describes how to access offline edits from ArcGIS Field Maps directly from an iOS device by using iTunes:

However, on some computers (macOS Catalina or later), iTunes is no longer available:

  • Looking for iTunes on your Mac?:
    • "The iTunes app is no longer available on Mac. The contents of your iTunes media library are organized into their own dedicated apps that are installed with macOS. You can access your music in the Apple Music app, movies, TV shows, and videos in the Apple TV app, podcasts in the Apple Podcasts app, and audiobooks in the Apple Books app."


To share files from ArcGIS Field Maps from an iOS device to a Mac, Finder can be used as described in the following article.

To sync the offline edits of the runtime geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro, follow the instructions in the appropriate section of the article:

Article ID: 000031956

  • ArcGIS Field Maps iOS

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