Patches and updates

ArcGIS 10 (Desktop, Engine, Server) Service Pack 5 - English

Published: July 10, 2012


This Service Pack contains performance improvements, maintenance fixes, translation updates and includes all updates delivered since ArcGIS 10.0.


We recommend that all ArcGIS 10 customers download and install Service Pack 5 at their earliest convenience, to ensure the highest quality experience when working with ArcGIS 10.

Installing this Service Pack on Windows

Installation Notes

ArcGIS Desktop 10:

  • It is important to keep all versions of ArcGIS products installed on the same machine in sync to avoid any software conflicts.
  • If you have installed client setups from a shared Network Administrative ArcGIS Desktop setup, Service Pack 5 must be applied to all client installations.
  • Windows 2003 Server users, see Technical Article 33818 if you encounter Error 1718. File was rejected by digital signature policy.
  • Service Pack 5 is supported with the ArcGIS Desktop 10 Evaluation Edition.

ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .Net Framework users:

ArcGIS Server 10 for the Microsoft .NET Framework has been separated into two setups: ArcGIS Server 10 - GIS Services and ArcGIS Server 10 - Web Applications.

  • ArcGIS Server 10 - GIS Services installs the Server Object Manager (SOM), Server Object Container (SOC), Services Manager, and Web Services (SOAP/REST) components.
  • ArcGIS Server 10 - Web Applications installs the Applications Manager and Software Developer Kit (SDK) components.

ArcGIS Server Post Install:

The ArcGIS Server Post Install will automatically launch after the update has been applied. If this doesn't happen, please be sure to launch the GIS Server Post Install and Web Services Post Install (if ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework is installed) manually from the shortcuts found in your Start menu.

The GIS Server Post Install will provide the ArcGIS Server Object Manager (SOM), ArcGIS Server Object Container (SOC), the GIS Server Manager (on ArcGIS Server Java) and the GIS Server Webservices (on ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework ) user accounts that were given the last time the post install was run. To avoid disrupting the operation of your server installation you should use these same accounts and provide the same passwords that were given the last time you ran the Post Install.

If you prefer, the Post Install can create new accounts, but you will need to update the permissions on your data and non-default output server directories to grant access to the new ArcGIS Server Object Container (SOC) account. Additionally, if you previously had large caches associated with cached Map or Globe services it may take a very long time for the Server Post Install to alter the permissions on the large number of files in your caches (see Technical Article 32766 for a suggested workaround).

For help on getting started after installing ArcGIS Server, refer to the Administering the server--> Getting started after install topic in ArcGIS Server Help.

ArcGIS Server on Amazon EC2 users:

If you would like to install 10.0 Service Pack 5 on your existing AMIs, see the ArcGIS Server on Amazon EC2 help topic Applying service packs and patches on Amazon EC2 for more information.

ArcIMS and ArcSDE users:

If you use ArcIMS 10.0 or the ArcSDE 10.0 application server, you must also install ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5 or ArcSDE 10.0 Service Pack 5. For example, if you use ArcIMS 10.0 and ArcGIS 10.0 Desktop, install both ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5 and ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 . Since ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5, ArcSDE 10.0 Service Pack 5 and the ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 products share common DLLs, it is important to keep the software release versions in sync to avoid any software conflicts.

  • After you install ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 and ArcSDE 10.0 Service Pack 5, check to see if you must upgrade your ArcSDE geodatabase. To check this, connect to your geodatabase in ArcCatalog and view the Properties of your geodatabase. If the "Upgrade Status" on the General table indicates that the geodatabase needs upgrading the "Upgrade Geodatabase" option will be active. The "Upgrade Geodatabase" option will be inactive if the geodatabase does not need to be upgraded. Instructions on how to upgrade can be found in the Upgrade Geodatabase (Data Management) help topic.

System Administrators:

A technical paper is available that discusses the enterprise deployment of ArcGIS 10 setups using Microsoft® Systems Management Server (SMS) and Group Policy, including additional system requirements, suggestions, known issues, and Microsoft Software Installation (MSI) command line parameters. Deployment in a lockdown environment is also covered. ArcGIS 10 Enterprise Deployment.

Installation Steps

ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 can be installed on top of ArcGIS 10.0 or any ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack or patch. Service Pack 5 is cumulative and contains the fixes from all previous ArcGIS 10.0 Service Packs and patches.

To Install:

  1. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is accessing it.
  2. Download the appropriate files:

    ArcGIS Desktop (ArcInfo, ArcEditor, ArcView, ArcGIS Eval Edition)   File Checksum
    ArcGISDesktop10sp5.msp 481 MB 1524B821A4B989B39C3CAE32238515D8
    ArcGIS Desktop Case Tools Extension    
    ArcGISDesktopCaseTools10sp4.msp No Change Since 10 Service Pack 4 324 KB EC4DF4407439B701A41F4EB25B7AC69A
    ArcGIS License Manager    
    ArcGISLicenseManager10sp5.msp 19 MB 3C7AFDE4733832EF1E411262C0FE0111
    ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework    
    ArcObjectsSDKNET10sp3.msp No Change Since 10 Service Pack 3 264 MB 43F6B212E673BE9A8815E3547007F1BE
    ArcObjects SDK for Cross Platform C++    
    ArcObjectsSDKCPP10sp1.msp No Change Since 10 Service Pack 1 131 MB D6E7EF519F2D933A2F4FF9BC99E240C4
    ArcObjects SDK for the Java Platform    
    ArcObjectsSDKJava10sp5.msp 23 MB 6387B0F224F13D619FE92FFF537B7BAA
    ArcReader10sp5.msp 200 MB 4596CF5223E9CE5341B1116D36C84959
    ArcGIS Engine Runtime    
    ArcGISEngine10sp5.msp 227 MB 7EE4255E1A331CAE42DAEEDA5B698D1C
    ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform    
    ArcGISServerJava10sp5.msp 171 MB 8992CF2DDC22A680A6E358F428C20A03
    ArcGIS Server for the .Net Framework    
    ArcGIS Server - GIS Services    
    ArcGISServerGISServices10sp5.msp 237 MB 4F9F7F63CB95D29961E5FA78000F28C5
    ArcGIS Server - Web Applications    
    ArcGISServerWebApplications10sp5.msp 144 MB 77A3EFC03F9604311096CDC68F50012C
    ArcGIS Server Web ADF Runtime    
    ArcGISServerWebADFRuntime10sp5.msp 136 MB C9852C87687DD18D799D60788902826C


  3. (Server for .Net Installation Only) From your Services control panel, stop the ArcGIS Server Object Manager and ArcGIS SOC Monitor.
  4. (Server for Java Installation Only) From your Services control panel, stop the ArcGIS Server Manager Service, ArcGIS Server Object Manager and ArcGIS SOC Monitor.
  5. (License Manager Only) From the Start/Stop License Service panel of the License Server Administrator, select "Stop" and close the License Server Administrator.
  6. Double-click the msp files to start the install process.

    NOTE: If double clicking on the MSP file does not start the Service Pack 5 installation, you can start the Service Pack 5 installation manually by using the following command:

    msiexec.exe /p [location of update]\<Product>10sp<#>.msp

  7. When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.
  8. Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each product installed on your machine.
  9. (License Manager Only) From the Start/Stop License Service panel of the License Server Administrator, select 'Start' and close the License Server Administrator.

Installing this Service Pack on Linux/Solaris

Installation Notes

General Notes:

It is important to keep all versions of ArcGIS products installed on the same machine in sync to avoid any software conflicts.

ArcGIS Server users:

Make sure you install Service Pack 5 as the ArcGIS Server Owner; do not install it as the ROOT user.

For help on getting started after installing ArcGIS Server, refer to the Administering the server--> Getting started after install topic in ArcGIS Server Help.

ArcIMS and ArcSDE users:

If you use ArcIMS 10.0 or the ArcSDE 10.0 application server, you must also install ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5 or ArcSDE 10.0 Service Pack 5. For example, if you use ArcIMS 10.0 and ArcGIS 10.0 Desktop, install both ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5 and ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 . Since ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5, ArcSDE 10.0 Service Pack 5 and the ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 products share common DLLs, it is important to keep the software release versions in sync to avoid any software conflicts.

  • After you install ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 and ArcSDE 10.0 Service Pack 5, check to see if you must upgrade your ArcSDE geodatabase. To check this, connect to your geodatabase in ArcCatalog and view the Properties of your geodatabase. If the "Upgrade Status" on the General table indicates that the geodatabase needs upgrading the "Upgrade Geodatabase" option will be active. The "Upgrade Geodatabase" option will be inactive if the geodatabase does not need to be upgraded. Instructions on how to upgrade can be found in the Upgrade Geodatabase (Data Management) help topic.

Installation Steps

ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 can be installed on top of ArcGIS 10.0 or any ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack or patch. Service Pack 5 is cumulative and contains the fixes from all previous ArcGIS 10.0 Service Packs and patches.

To Install:

  1. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is accessing it.
  2. Download the appropriate files to a location other than the installation location:

    ArcGIS Engine Runtime for (SUSE Linux and Red Hat Linux (Intel))   File Checksum
    gis10-sp5-engine-linux.tar 403 MB 9FD2B7E0B0EE44A83C4C455D31787BE9
    ArcGIS Engine Runtime for Sun Solaris    
    gis10-sp5-engine-slrs.tar 444 MB 6B9AE319DC62476202B33BA4AEA12161
    ArcGIS License Manager    
    ArcGIS License Manager (SUSE Linux and Red Hat Linux (Intel))    
    gis10-sp5-lm-linux.tar 20 MB 67C5928D71C5A8AF7690865C5274B2BC
    ArcGIS License Manager (Sun Solaris)    
    gis10-sp5-lm-slrs.tar 17 MB 2C57B91E3F6CBE0DD0FD6298ACC4EEFE
    ArcReader for (SUSE Linux and Red Hat Linux (Intel))    
    gis10-sp5-reader-linux.tar 340 MB 31D29F2163FFB8BCB5EA1E4C720CC281
    ArcReader for Sun Solaris    
    gis10-sp5-reader-slrs.tar 373 MB D5D90006A9775E138FCAF308C3A3D209
    ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform (SUSE Linux and Red Hat Linux (Intel))    
    gis10-sp5-server-linux.tar 454 MB BBD0EEAA51CBAE334527B85EFCC50ECF
    ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform (Sun Solaris)    
    gis10-sp5-server-slrs.tar 504 MB 92C56DAB0551E2FCED4015BCFF2F17A4


  3. (License Manager Only) Stop the ArcGIS License Manager using the License Server Administrator:

    % arcgis/license10.0/LSAdmin

    Go to Start/Stop License Service, Click Stop, and close the License Server Administrator.

  4. Extract the specified tar file by typing:

    % tar xvf gis10-sp<#>-<engine/lm/reader/server>-linux.tar (Linux)
    % tar xvf gis10-sp<#>-<engine/lm/reader/server>-slrs.tar (Linux)

  5. Start the installation by typing:

    % ./applypatch

    This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.

  6. (License Manager Only) Start the ArcGIS License Server Administrator:

    % arcgis/license10.0/LSAdmin

    Go to Start/Stop License Service, click Start, and close the License Server Administrator.

How to identify which Service Pack is installed


To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, download the PatchFinder utility and run it from your local machine.


To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, download and extract the PatchFinder utility and run it from your local machine.

Obtaining a DVD copy of the Service Pack

A DVD of this Service Pack is available for users who experience difficulties downloading the Service Pack from the web site. Simply fill out the Request a Service Pack DVD order form. Sites outside of the United States, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

Service Pack Updates

Check the ArcGIS Resource Center periodically for the availability of additional Service Packs. New information about this Service Pack will be posted here.

August 21, 2012: Paragraph for ArcGIS Server on Amazon EC2 updated with new text.

Getting Help

If you are in the United States, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. Sites outside of the United States, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

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