In ArcGIS Pro, a page layout is a virtual page designed for map printing, allowing customization with various layout elements such as graphics and text. By default, text configured in layouts does not have any indentations applied. However, certain writing formats require hanging indents to enhance readability and clarity, especially in structured text such as descriptions or citations. This article provides the workflow to create hanging indents for text in an ArcGIS Pro layout.
Note: Hanging indents cannot be created with Curved text or Circle text elements, as these element types do not wrap long text lines.
Note: Alternatively, enable the Auto Apply toggle buttonto automatically apply the specified settings.
The ArcGIS Pro layout below shows the paragraph with the hanging indents in the rectangle text element.
Note: Alternatively, save the indented text as a picture and add the picture to the ArcGIS Pro layout. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Add a picture to a layout for instructions.
The ArcGIS Pro layout below shows the indented paragraph pasted from the clipboard.
Article ID: 000034463
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