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¿Cuáles son algunas de las prácticas recomendadas para garantizar una sincronización correcta de las ediciones sin conexión en ArcGIS Collector?

Last Published: August 17, 2024


When attempting to synchronize offline edits in ArcGIS Collector, synchronization may fail due to several issues. These issues include but are not limited to an unstable connection to the Internet, dataset sizes, or irregular synchronization schedules. The following are some useful tips to ensure a successful synchronization of offline edits in ArcGIS Collector.

Synchronize collected data frequently

It is advisable to synchronize collected data frequently as large volumes of accumulated data can be time consuming to complete during the synchronization process. Large datasets require longer durations to synchronize, and this increases the possibility of time-outs and errors. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Collector: Prepare for offline data collection.

Synchronize over a stable Internet connection

Large volumes of collected data require a longer duration to fully synchronize. A stable Internet connection reduces the possibility of being disconnected from the server during the synchronization process. In the event that a synchronization fails due to an unstable Internet connection, the collected data may be corrupted or damaged.

Test the synchronization with smaller datasets before synchronizing larger datasets

If the collected data size is large, synchronize a smaller set of data before synchronizing the larger sets to determine if the Internet connection to the server is stable. Reducing file or attachment sizes through the properties of the items can help reduce the overall size of the collected data.

Ensure no edits are made to primary datasets after replication

Once a replica has been downloaded to devices, avoid making changes to the primary webmap, as each replica contains a JSON that matches the webmap. Changes to the original webmap cause a mismatch.

If changes are made to the original dataset, delete all copies of the replicas, and download the new dataset again.

Id. de artículo: 000001076

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