Could not access any server machines. Please contact your system administrator

Last Published: August 3, 2022

Error Message

Unable to access ArcGIS Server Manager/Admin/ or REST through the ArcGIS Web Adaptor URL. The image below is a typical error message.

Could not access any server machines. Please contact your system administrator
REST Not Accessible.PNG


There are a few probable causes that could lead to this issue, some of which are discussed in the Knowledge Base article Error: Could not access any GIS Server machines. Please contact your system administrator.

This issue could also be caused by an expired ArcGIS Server license, this can be verified using the below steps:

Log in to ArcGIS Server Manager or ArcGIS Server Admin using the internal ArcGIS Server URL. For example:

  • ​​​If logged in to the Manager interface, go to Site > Software authorization, as shown in the image below.
AGS Manager.PNG
  • If logged in to the Administrator interface, go to: Home > system> licenses, as seen in the next image.
AGS admin.PNG
  • You can also check the license details, roles, extensions, expiration dates, etc., by navigating to the keycodes file, located in a path similar to: C:\Program Files\ESRI\License10.9\sysgen. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad to see a list of the current license level of ArcGIS for Server and all authorized extensions, as seen in the following image.

Solution or Workaround

Once you have verified that the ArcGIS Server license has expired, run the new license file:

  1. If needed, obtain a new authorization file from MyEsri using the steps highlighted in the article: How To: Create a provisioning file for software authorization in ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, and ArcGIS Server
  2. On the ArcGIS Server machine, launch the Software Authorization Wizard: Start > Program Files > ArcGIS > Software Authorization.
  3. Choose I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process.
  4. Browse to and upload the authorization file.
  5. Proceed with the wizard until the ArcGIS Server has been successfully authorized.
  6. Check the ArcGIS Server Manager or admin to verify that the license has been applied.
AGS admin_valid licesne.PNG
AGS Manager_Valid license.PNG
  1. Clear the browser cache.
  2. Try to access ArcGIS Server using the Web Adaptor URL. It should be accessible.
REST accessible..PNG

Article ID: 000028123

  • ArcGIS Server

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