Permanently reorder fields in a feature class using Export Features in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: December 27, 2024


In ArcGIS Pro, the fields of a feature class can be reordered in a current map in the Fields view. However, the fields cannot be permanently reordered at the database level. The attribute table below shows the fields’ order of the ‘IRL_Postcodes2’ feature class.

The field order in the attribute table

In some instances, the fields must be permanently reordered. This article describes a workaround using the Export Features tool to write the features from the feature class to a new feature class and reorder the fields in the Field Map section.


This workaround does not preserve existing relationship classes in the output feature class containing the reordered fields. Esri recommends copying the dataset to a new geodatabase and using the new geodatabase before reordering fields to ensure changes made are not applied to the original geodatabase.
It is not possible to reorder the OBJECTID, Shape, Shape_Length, and Shape_Area fields.
  1. In ArcGIS Pro, click the Analysis tab.
  2. Under the Geoprocessing group, click Tools.
The Tools option is available in the Geoprocessing group under the Analysis tab in ArcGIS Pro.
  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, in the Find Tools search box, search for and select the Export Features tool.
The Export Features tool is displayed when searching for the tool in the Find Tools search box in the Geoprocessing pane.
  1. Specify the parameters of the tool.
    1. Select the existing feature class under Input Features.
    2. Provide a name for Output Feature Class, click Browse The Browse icon., and specify the location of the new feature class.
The Export Features tool pane to be configured
  1. Scroll down and click Fields to expand the list of the fields in the feature class.
  2. Under Field Map, hover over the desired field. An ellipsis icon displays beside the field.
The ellipsis icon displayed when hovering over a field
  1. Drag and drop the ellipsis icon of each desired field to rearrange the field. In this example, the ID field is positioned after the NAME field.
The reordered ID field in the Export Features pane
  1. Click Run.

A new feature class is created and added to the map. The table below shows the rearranged field order in the new feature class, IRL_PostcodesFieldRearranged.

The reordered fields in the attribute table

Article ID: 000025984

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 3
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 2
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 4

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