In ArcGIS Pro, the fields of a feature class can be reordered in a current map in the Fields view. However, the fields cannot be permanently reordered at the database level. The attribute table below shows the fields’ order of the ‘IRL_Postcodes2’ feature class.
In some instances, the fields must be permanently reordered. This article describes a workaround using the Export Features tool to write the features from the feature class to a new feature class and reorder the fields in the Field Map section.
Warning: This workaround does not preserve existing relationship classes in the output feature class containing the reordered fields. Esri recommends copying the dataset to a new geodatabase and using the new geodatabase before reordering fields to ensure changes made are not applied to the original geodatabase.
Note: It is not possible to reorder the OBJECTID, Shape, Shape_Length, and Shape_Area fields.
A new feature class is created and added to the map. The table below shows the rearranged field order in the new feature class, IRL_PostcodesFieldRearranged.
Article ID: 000025984
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