Mature and retired configurable apps in ArcGIS Enterprise

Last Published: January 15, 2025


ArcGIS Enterprise provides a suite of configurable app templates that allow you to create web mapping applications. Over the years, app templates have been renamed, moved to mature status, or retired, and replaced with improved templates for creating apps that use updated designs and technology, the latest being ArcGIS Instant Apps.

ArcGIS Configurable Apps has been deprecated in ArcGIS Enterprise.

A majority of the templates have been retired and removed from ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. See the table of affected app templates in the Appendix at the end of this notice.

The following Configurable Apps templates are still available in ArcGIS Enterprise, and supported for creating apps or editing the existing apps. However, they will be removed after the ArcGIS Enterprise release in the first half of 2025. We highly suggest you start creating apps using the recommended replacements.

App template name TemplateIDRecommended Replacement
Basic ViewerViewInstant Apps: Sidebar
CompareCompareInstant Apps: Compare
Crowdsource ManagerCrowdsourceManagerInstant Apps: Manager

Crowdsource Reporter

CrowdsourceReporterInstant Apps: Reporter
Crowdsource PollingCrowdsourcePollingInstant Apps: Reporter
GeoFormGeoFormSurvey123, Instant Apps: Reporter
Image MaskImageMask    

Image VisitImageVisitInstant Apps: Sidebar


Customers using apps created from the deprecated app templates must actively upgrade their apps to current-generation products. We urge you to retire or replace apps created with these templates. To quickly check if your organization has any of these templates, use the script attached to this article in ArcGIS Notebook Server or ArcGIS Pro.

One way to identify these configurable apps in your organization is the app URL, which uses the following pattern:


If you are using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 or later, you can run an items report for the organization. Filter the report by Item Type: Web Mapping Application, and filter by Item URL for URLs that do not contain 'instant' (to exclude apps created from Instant Apps) and that do not contain 'apps/webappviewer' (to exclude apps created from Web AppBuilder). Sort the filtered report by Item URL to see common URLs grouped by TemplateID, such as TimeAware or ImpactSummary, and use the Item ID to find and update the app in your organization.

To replace these apps, we recommend re-creating them with ArcGIS Instant Apps. If you have not used Instant Apps yet, refer to the documentation or the following resources to help make the transition:


Below is a table of deprecated app templates with their corresponding template IDs and the recommended replacement app template or app builder. To help identify the affected apps, refer to the TemplateID column in the table, which is part of the app URL.

Apps created from Configurable Apps templates have the following URL pattern:


For example, the 3D Data Visualization app URL is: 

The following table includes only deprecated app templates that have been supported or are in mature status since ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7, because ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 can only be updated directly from versions 10.7 and later. If you have apps created from older templates, refer to the Esri Support Product Life Cycle page to access their public item pages to obtain the template ID in the URL field. Click the View button for the template to navigate to the download page of the item, which gives an overview of the template and provides the URL. For example, on the 3D Data Visualization page, the URL is:
Deprecated app template nameTemplateIDRecommended Replacement
3D Data Visualization3DVizInstant Apps: 3D Viewer
Attachment ViewerAttachmentViewerInstant Apps: Attachment Viewer
Basic Viewer 2014ViewerInstant Apps: Sidebar
Category GalleryFilterGalleryInstant Apps: Category Gallery
Compare Analysis 2015CompareAnalysisInstant Apps: Compare
Compare ScenesCompare3dInstant Apps: Compare
DirectionsDirectionInstant Apps: Nearby
Edit 2015EditorInstant Apps: Sidebar
Elevation Profile 2013ElevationsInstant Apps: Media Map, 3D Viewer, or Nearby 
Elevation Profile 2015ProfileInstant Apps: Media Map, 3D Viewer, or Nearby
Filter 2014InteractiveFilterInstant Apps: Sidebar, Interactive legend
Find, Edit, and Filter 
July 2014 Apps: Sidebar
Finder 2014 Apps: Sidebar
Image InterpretationImageInterpretationInstant Apps: Image Viewer
Imagery ViewerImageryViewerInstant Apps: Image Viewer
Impact SummaryImpactSummaryArcGIS Dashboards
Information LookupInformationLookupInstant Apps: Zone Lookup
Interactive LegendInteractiveLegendInstant Apps: Interactive Legend
Layer ShowcaseLayerShowcaseInstant Apps: Category Gallery
Local PerspectiveLocalPerspectiveInstant Apps: Nearby
Map CarouselMapCarouselInstant Apps: Category Gallery
Map StylerStylerInstant Apps: Media Map
Map ToolsMapToolsInstant Apps: Media Map
Maps and Apps GalleryMapsAndAppGalleryInstant Apps: Category Gallery
Media MapMediaInstant Apps: Media Map
Minimal GalleryMinimalGalleryInstant Apps: Category Gallery
Minimalist 2016MinimalistInstant Apps: Sidebar
NearbyLocalPerspectiveInstant Apps: Nearby
Public GalleryPublicGalleryInstant Apps: Category Gallery
Public InformationPublicInformationInstant Apps: Media Map
Scene StylerStylerInstant Apps: 3D Viewer
Scene with Inset Map3DInsetMapInstant Apps: 3D Viewer
Simple Map Viewer 2014SimpleViewerInstant Apps: Media Map
Simple Scene Viewer3DSceneInstant Apps: 3D Viewer
Story Map Basic 2015StoryMapBasicInstant Apps: Basic
Story Map CascadeCascadeArcGIS StoryMaps
Story Map JournalMapJournalArcGIS StroyMaps (Sidebar)
Story Map SeriesMapSeriesInstant Apps: Portfolio, ArcGIS StoryMaps (Collection), Experience Builder
Story Map ShortlistMapShortlistArcGIS StoryMaps (Tour templates)
Story Map Swipe and SpyglassStorytellingSwipeArcGIS StoryMaps (Swipe block)
Story Map TourMapTourArcGIS StoryMaps (Tour templates)
Summary ViewerSummaryViewerArcGIS Dashboards
Time Aware 2016TimeAwareInstant Apps: Media Map or Slider
Zone LookupZoneLookupInstant Apps: ZoneLookup
If you created an app with one of the following templates before it was migrated to the new configuration experience at 10.9 and 10.9.1, re-create it using the Instant Apps replacement template with the same name.
  • Attachment Viewer
  • Category Gallery
  • Imagery Viewer
  • Interactive Legend
  • Media Map
  • Minimalist
  • Nearby
  • Zone Lookup

For templates with the same name as the alternative, you can determine which type was used to create the app by looking at the app URL. Apps created with an Instant Apps template include 'instant' in the URL. Examples are provided below.

  • App created from the Category Gallery Configurable Apps template:
  • App created from the Category Gallery Instant Apps template:

Article ID: 000027794

  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • Portal for ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Server

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