When attempting to register a table residing within Oracle using the sdelayer -o register command, the command fails with the following error message:
"D:\>sdelayer -o register -l parcels,shape -e p -u tb -p tb -i 5151 -t st_geometry -C oid,sde
ArcSDE 9.3 for Oracle10g Build 156 Mon Aug 25 12:00:37 2008
Layer Administration Utility
Error: Underlying DBMS error (-51).
Error: Cannot Create Layer.
Column index already exists
Failure to register ST_Geometry layer (TOMB.PARCELS). Cannot register an empty table with an existing spatial index."
The registration process inspects the table's spatial index for a spatial reference identifier. Since the index exists but there are no indexed values, a SRID cannot be obtained.
SQL> DROP INDEX parcels_idx;
Index dropped.
D:\>sdelayer -o register -l parcels,shape -e p -u tb -p tb -i 5151 -t st_geometry -C oid,sde
ArcSDE 9.3 for Oracle10g Build 156 Mon Aug 25 12:00:37 2008
Layer Administration Utility
Successfully Created Layer.
Article ID: 000010267
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