Remove the tile cache data store from an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Amazon Web Services

Last Published: December 9, 2024


If you created an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or earlier deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using one of the Amazon CloudFormation templates provided by Esri listed below, you can delete the tile cache data store stack after you migrate hosted scene layer caches to the object store:



The templates listed above create the tile cache data store on EC2 instances that are separate from the rest of the deployment. Deleting the tile cache data store stack after migration is completed removes the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, AutoScaling group, and other AWS resources from the deployment.


If members of the ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3 or earlier) organization published hosted scene layers, the layer caches are stored in the tile cache data store, which is now deprecated. After you upgrade the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, add the object store to the deployment, migrate hosted scene layer caches to the object store, and test the hosted scene layers after migration. Refer to the following help pages for information about this process:



When you determine that the migration was successful and no more scene layer caches remain in the tile cache data store, follow the steps below to disable the tile cache data store and remove the AWS resources from the deployment so that you are no longer charged for them.


Note: These instructions assume that there are no other ArcGIS components on the tile cache data store EC2 instances or any other software or data that you still need. Do not delete a stack that contains any components that are still part of the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. For example, if you configured the tile cache data store on the same machine as the rest of the base Enterprise deployment, you cannot delete the stack.

  1. Connect to one of the tile cache data store EC2 instances as an administrator of the instance.
  2. Open a command prompt. On Windows instances, run the command window as an administrator.
  3. Change directories to the ArcGIS Data Store tools directory.

On Windows instances, this is C:\Program Files\arcgisdatastore\tools. On Linux instances, this is <NEED PATH>.

  1. Run the ArcGIS Data Store disabledatastore utility to shut down the tile cache data store and delete its contents.

See the ArcGIS Data Store utility reference for information and syntax.

  1.  Use AWS tools to delete the tile cache data store stack.

Article ID: 000034262

  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 4

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