Unable to sync services in ArcGIS Server

Last Published: March 9, 2023


When attempting to sync services in ArcGIS Server, the sync fails. In some instances, the following error messages are returned in the server log.

Error executing tool. SyncFeatureServiceReplica Job ID:. ErrorMsg@SyncGPService: {"code":400,"description","Unable to complete operation."} Failed to execute (Sync Feature Service Replica)
No path for delta data changes.
Failed to synchronize.
Error: Failed to import data changes to replica.


The issue occurs when the length of the file path is longer than 260 characters. Refer to Problem: Windows 10 Anniversary Update path name length limitation with ArcGIS for more information.

Solution or Workaround

The following procedure may require the assistance of a user with administrator privileges or an IT personnel in determining a suitable and shorter folder structure to use.

To resolve this issue, ensure the length of the file path is not more than 260 characters.

As a precaution, use less than 50 characters when naming the services or the paths of the configuration store and server directories. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Edit a server directory in ArcGIS Server Manager or ArcGIS Server: Specify the configuration store location for more information.

Article ID: 000027501

  • ArcGIS Server

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