ArcGIS Field Maps and ArcGIS Collector both require Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) metadata to improve the accuracy and reliability of GPS data captured, such as ground control points. In ArcGIS Pro, adding the GNSS metadata to the shapefile exported from the hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online returns the following error message:
Error: ERROR 000656: A Shapefile is not supported by this tool.
In some instances, adding GNSS metadata to the hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Pro returns the following error message:
Error: ERROR 000187: Only supports Geodatabase tables and feature classes
The Add GPS Metadata Fields tool does not support hosted feature layers and shapefiles. This tool can only be used with the file geodatabase feature class and tables.
In ArcGIS Online, export the hosted feature layer as a file geodatabase instead of a shapefile. Refer to FAQ: Is it possible to export feature collections to a file geodatabase directly in ArcGIS Online? for instructions. The downloaded file geodatabase can then be imported to the ArcGIS Pro map to add the GNSS metadata using the Add GPS Metadata Fields tool.
In ArcGIS Pro, use the portal connection to add the hosted feature layer to the map. Refer to How To: Export a feature service to a file geodatabase feature class in ArcGIS Pro for instructions. Subsequently, convert the feature layer to a file geodatabase feature class and add the GNSS metadata using the Add GPS Metadata Fields tool.
If the data is a shapefile, use geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS Pro to convert it to a file geodatabase . Refer to How To: Export selected features from a feature layer in ArcGIS Pro for instructions. The GNSS metadata can then be added to the output feature layer using the Add GPS Metadata Fields tool.
Article ID: 000033740
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