Manually delete GeoEvent Definitions

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Every GeoEvent within GeoEvent Processor has an associated schema which identifies the attribute fields and data types (date, string, integer, and so forth) for the event's data. This schema is referred to as a GeoEvent Definition.
In some cases, users may want to delete a large number of GeoEvent Processor Definitions created either by mistake or are no longer needed. However, because of the potential dependencies of the definitions, there are precautionary measures built into the GeoEvent Processor Manager to prevent accidental deletion. Therefore, there is no quick way to delete a large number of invalid definitions.

The instructions provided describe how to manually delete GeoEvent Processor Definitions through the GeoEvent Processor configuration folders.

It is highly recommended to export a current copy of the configuration from the ArcGIS GeoEvent Processor Manager prior to proceeding.



  1. Stop the ArcGIS GeoEvent Processor service using the Windows Services console.
  2. Navigate to 'C:\ProgramData\Esri\GeoEventProcessor\geoeventdefinitions\index\' and open the 'index.json' file.

    This file lists all the GeoEvent Definitions, who or what input created them, the associated GUID, and so forth. This file is stored in JSON format and can be modified in any text editor but is easier to view in its native format through a web application, such as JSON Editor Online.

  3. Locate the definitions to be removed and record their associated globally unique identifier (GUID). Once recorded, these entries can be manually deleted.

    It is important that the structure of this file is not damaged. Additional care is highly recommended to ensure there are no extraneous commas or brackets left after removing entries.

  4. Save this file and navigate up one folder level to 'C:\ProgramData\Esri\GeoEventProcessor\geoeventdefinitions'.
  5. Locate and delete the associated JSON files with the GUID from Step 3.
  6. Restart the ArcGIS GeoEvent Processor service.
  7. Navigate to https://localhost:6143/geoevent/manager/site.html to confirm the unneeded GeoEvent Definitions are removed.

    If a required definition is accidentally deleted, but the configuration was exported as recommended, stop the GeoEvent Processor service and import the XML file using the same dialog from the GeoEvent Processor Manager.

Article ID: 000012118

  • ArcGIS Server

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