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Esri is committed to building and providing strong security for ArcGIS and helping our customers by using the latest security protocols. We strive to implement the highest industry standards, including TLS for data integrity and network security.
To meet these standards, Esri has made configuration information available and, where necessary, provided software updates across ArcGIS to support TLS 1.2. As part of improving ArcGIS Online security, Esri requires TLS 1.2 connections for ArcGIS Online services after April 16, 2019. Action is required to ensure continued access to these ArcGIS Online services.
TLS or “Transport Layer Security” is a widely deployed network security protocol. It provides privacy and data integrity between communicating applications over a network. You use TLS whenever accessing ArcGIS Online services, such as basemaps, geoprocessing services, and the Living Atlas, from ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Enterprise, and other applications.
ArcGIS uses the TLS protocol as a key component of its security for web and service API connections. This includes connections between our software, such as ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Enterprise, with ArcGIS Online. As of April 16, 2019, ArcGIS Online services only accept connections using TLS 1.2.
Some software, like ArcGIS Pro, are already TLS 1.2 enabled. Other Esri software, such as ArcGIS Desktop, uses TLS 1.0—this software requires a patch or configuration change to support TLS 1.2 connections. Esri has released patches and instructions to update existing software to support these connections. A list of affected products is available on the Esri Software Products Affected by TLS 1.2 Implementation page.
TLS is part of the low-level internet security infrastructure and is generally transparent until an organization enforces higher levels of network security – usually by disabling the older, vulnerable versions of TLS and SSL. Current IT best practice is to begin moving to TLS 1.2 for better network transport security. How might you be affected?
The resources below will help you determine if you need to take any action to update your software or operating system configurations to support TLS 1.2 with the ArcGIS family of products.
Do you have more questions about ArcGIS Online's implementation of TLS 1.2 and how this affects ArcGIS? To ask a question or see a list of frequently asked questions, please refer to the TLS 1.2 FAQ technical article.
Article ID: 000029736
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