Retain records on a map after syncing in ArcGIS QuickCapture

Last Published: January 16, 2025


In ArcGIS QuickCapture, the default organization basemap discards locally recorded data on the mobile app after submission to optimize performance and prevent data redundancy. However, in certain scenarios, configuring a web map to retain access to recently recorded features after syncing is preferred, as it reduces uncertainty and improves data accuracy. This article provides the workflows for configuring a custom web map to retain records on the map after syncing in ArcGIS QuickCapture.

The image below shows the default basemap in the ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app displaying no recently recorded features after the records are sent.

The map in ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app


An active internet connection is required to retain the newly recorded features using a custom web map in the ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app. When offline, the app displays features within the current map extent, but these features may not persist if the map is closed or the app is relaunched.
  1. Create a web map in ArcGIS Online.
    1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online.
    2. Create a new web map. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Get started creating maps (Map Viewer) for instructions.
    3. Add the hosted feature layer used in the ArcGIS QuickCapture project to the web map. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Browse layers for instructions.
    4. Save the web map. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Save maps (Map Viewer) for instructions.
  2. Configure the web map as the project map in the ArcGIS QuickCapture designer.
    1. Log in to the ArcGIS QuickCapture designer.
    2. On the MY PROJECTS tab, click the desired project.
    3. On the top panel, click Configure project map.
The Configure project map option of the ArcGIS QuickCapture designer
    1. On the Map pane, under Map, click Change.
The Map pane of the ArcGIS QuickCapture designer
    1. On the Select a map dialog box, click MY MAPS.
    2. On the MY MAPS tab, browse and select the newly created web map in Step 1.
The Select a map dialog box of the ArcGIS QuickCapture designer
    1. On the top panel, click Save.
The Save button of the ArcGIS QuickCapture designer

The image below shows the newly added features visualized on the map in the ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app after syncing the records to the web map in ArcGIS Online.

The map in ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app

Article ID: 000034320

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS QuickCapture

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